Thursday, February 24, 2011

My new It girl!

I bought today new Elle and there I found article about Jelena Kovacic, model. And I have to say, I loved her!! I love her style, her look, her whole clothes, shoes and wardrobe.
In Elle is written that she lives between Madrid and Belgrade, and she divide clothes on Belgrade part and Madrid part :) She has daughter that she takes with her everywhere and has two suitcases prepared always for traveling Jelena is talking about her style, that she prefers shoes, and that her favorite city for shopping is Milano.
She totally bought me, especially when i red that she came back in 10 minutes totally prepared :)


  1. super je tekst!:) bravo za post!

  2. Lajk..Prelepe slike i ona..:)

  3. Baš je lepa, nisam pročitala Elle ali sviđa mi se ovo što vidim iz tvojih sličica. Ima punooooooo cipela!!!!Super post

  4. Ja sam se odusevila prvo kad sam je videla, a onda kad sam procitala...Love love love
